BREAKING NEWS: Tommy Robinson Arrested by Globalist Regime in Canada

Tommy Robinson has been arrested in Trudeau’s dystopian Canada. It now appears that globalists are now colluding across borders to shut Tommy down. The lawfare campaign against Tommy Robinson has now gone international.

Whatever they are thinking, the global ‘Tommy movement’ will surely go on without him if necessary. It will celebrate Tommy as a prisoner of conscience and a martyr to the globalist command and control system. This will be inevitable and will happen irrespective of whatever trumped up charges they come up with or what kangaroo courts they direct to rule against him.

There is a clear pattern at work here. Lawfare and vexatious litigation is being used as a political weapon of war against anyone that the globalist usurpers deem to be a threat to their agenda. Tommy, of course is a serial victim, covering a period of over a decade – his was the prototype case. Other people such as Donald Trump have now also been subjected to the same weaponised legal system.

We can only speculate what they will use to justify this arrest, but many will speculate that it is an attempt to disrupt his speaking tour in order to prevent Canadians hearing what he has to say. The despised Trudeau regime is clearly rattled by his presence in the country.

He has revealed that his freedom of movement within Canada is now severely restricted. It may be necessary to move some of his future engagements to within his area of incarceration. That would also help to publicise his treatment at the hands of the Canadian ruling regime.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he remains detained in Canada until after the big Freedom Festival to be held in London on 27 July. But such a move will only make that event bigger and there are now plenty of leaders that can stand in for him and carry the torch ever forward.

We saw how Trump’s popularity surged when he was subjected to this treatment. Nigel Farage has recently been exposed to a full globalist old media broadside and has come through it stronger than ever before. People are now willing to queue to hear him speak. Even the non-voting voters will now be queuing to cast their ballots for Reform UK on 4 July.

All these leaders are over the target and are taking flak from the globalists who are now terrified that their grip is now finally slipping and that people are now fully awake to their game. This is why they are resorting to such obvious acts of desperation.

Tommy Being Arrested – In his face you can see the words ‘Here We Go Again!
Comments from the Black Belt Barrister
Erza Levant of Rebel News provides an update on the legal situation.

Some coverage in the old media:

Tommy Robinson arrested over suspected immigration offence in Canada (Sky News)

Tommy Robinson arrested in Canada after visiting for podcast tour (Independent)

Tommy Robinson claims he was arrested in Canada on suspicion of immigration offences after giving speech – as video shows far-Right activist ‘being led away in handcuffs’ (Daily Mail)

Tommy Robinson arrested in Canada on suspicion of immigration offences (The Standard)

Tommy Robinson arrested in Canada for immigration offences and stripped of passport (LBC)

Tommy Robinson arrested in Canada for ‘immigration offences’ and ‘can’t leave Calgary’ (Daily Express)

TOMMY CUFFED Moment Tommy Robinson is ARRESTED in Canada on ‘immigration offence’ after speaking at right-wing event (The Sun)

Notice the bigoteering from The Sun – ‘far right’

Tommy Robinson arrested in Canada after speech on suspicion of immigration offences (The Mirror)

1 thought on “BREAKING NEWS: Tommy Robinson Arrested by Globalist Regime in Canada

  1. Pingback: Lawfare Strikes Tommy Robinson in Canada After Anti-Censorship Speech – The Conservative-Patriot Christian Right

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