Neo-Colonialism and the World Economic Forum

You have to think of the World Economic Forum (WEF) as a new globalist version of the British East India Company which targets the whole world instead of just India. It uses exactly the same tactics of treaties, trade agreements, mercenary armies, monopolies, divide and rule, and buying off local elites. The WEF is the British East India Company on steroids!

We are effectively being colonised by the WEF elites just like past colonialism was spearheaded by the financial interests and greed of elite groups. The settled state off affairs has to be disrupted and turned upside down for them to get their way.  That is why all our institutions are being subverted and and brought into disrepute.

Soldiers no longer fight for their countries.  National armies are being used as WEF mercenaries to support WEF interests around the world and to help implement WEF policy. The invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and the deliberate destabilisation of North Africa and the Levant during the ‘Arab Spring’ was and deliberate strategy to create a migration crisis on a scale that is unprecedented in human history.

Mass immigration is being used as a tool to facilitate divide and rule.  In India there were groups that didn’t get along so the British set them against each other and exploited rivalries. Most Western countries used to be quite homogeneous, so multiculturalism and mass immigration were deployed to create these divisions from scratch. Micro-nationalism has also been used to set England Scotland and Wales against each other and regional governance and elected mayors have been used to break up England.  This all makes the populations of the UK and other western countries more docile and malleable.

We are now at the stage of imperial consolidation with our ancient rights and freedoms being finally and irrevocably dispensed with. Their target to complete their conquest is 2030.

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