Universal Basic Income (UBI) – Lessons From the Cherokee

The situation outlined in this video seems like a living example of the concept of universal basic income. Members of the tribe are entitled to share of the profits from the casino. This gives them huge life opportunies. It has turned an impoverished community into one that can move forward with increase confidence and sense of purpose.

This is an example of how North Sea oil could have been used for the benefit of the British people. Instead, at the time, we got cynical Thatcherite tax cuts that benefited only a few. Money is always found for the countless unnecessary wars and pointless Covid lockdown but never for genuine help the people as a whole.

When UBI does come, and it will come because, counterintuitively, it benefits the elites. It will allow a tiny minority to contune to recieve the lions share of the bounty that comes from mass automation while keeping the masses quiet and in their place. The crumbs that are given will come with strings attached such as signing up to the controlling tyranny of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), 15 Minute Cities, and a Social Credit system of behaviour management. The ‘free money’ will conditions, restrictions, stipulations and sanctions for anyone who may hold dissenting views.

UBI could undoubtedly be done without restricting basic freedoms, but I doubt Western powerbrokers would be as benevolent as those of the Cherokee. However, the short film about the Cherokee gives us an insight into the possible alternative economic models that might be available as catalysts for economic and social development in the future.

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