Mahyar Tousi Footage Exposes Legacy Media Bias On Armistice Day

Mahyar Tousi was covering events at the counter protest in London today. The event took the form of simply visiting the cenotaph and the participants paying their respects.

Watch this and compare what you see in real time with what the legacy media report. After watching the real time footage and viewing the legacy media reports my view that the legacy media is not impartial and is pushing a false narrative. The legacy media has no credibility.

Some Remarkable Citizen Journalism By Mahyar Tousi

I happened upon this livestream by Mahyar Tousi covering the pro-Palestine demonstration in central London.  It was very dramatic!

I think he put himself in danger to get this footage and he acted with great professionalism and courage to get this story into the public domain. He suggested that he couldn’t see any legacy media covering this story. The legacy media these days seems to lack a great deal of moral courage and it is good that proper journalists like Mahyar Tousi are filling this enormous gap.

Massive respect to this man. He should get a journalist award for his work.

His YouTube channel can be found at:


UPDATE 16.10.2023

Mahyar Tousi tries to do some follow up coverage as a citizen journalist and is stopped by the police ‘for his own safety’. He exposes the double standards in policing and documents the some of the things the police have been tolerating.

We are clearly not living in a free society and the police are acting as enforces for an unruly mob. An utter disgrace!

NB. Regarding the man being arrested while carrying the Union Flag. The Metropolitan Police have said that they did not arrest him for carrying the flag, but we have not been told what he was actually arrested for. Has the man been even been charged with anything?


UPDATE 2 – 16/10/2023

Mahyar Tousi covering tonight’s protest outside the BBC HQ in London. There was a rousing speech by Andre Walker that was well received. Looked like a well natured protest in stark contrast to the pro-Palestine protest Mahyar previously covered.


UPDATE 3 – 21/10/2023


UPDATE 4 – 25/10/2023

Lex Fridman Interviews Presidential Candidate Robert F Kennedy junior

The above video is long but very interesting and comprehensive. It is well worth watching. I made the following notes about this interview.


It is really fascinating listening to Robert Kennedy, he is such an intelligent deep thinker.  His grasp of the lessons of history is amazing and his insights into the Ukraine war are sensible and incredibly lucid.

He has such a long term vision which is very unusual for a modern politician.  He seems to be on top of issues such as the dangers of AI and the need for its proper regulation.

He offers some interesting ideas, insights, and opinions about the assassination of his uncle, President John F Kennedy.

He also talks about the CIA and its influence on journalism in order to control the narrative. He refers to Operation Mockingbird and to the more recent Trusted News Initiative which are effectively attempts to subvert proper journalism and censor dissent. He mentions his concerns about how the established corporate media seems to be conspiring to shut down alternative media voices that are now their main competitors as information brokers. He seems to be acutely aware of the slippery slope to tyranny that all this represents

He expresses concern about how fear is used to discourage critical thinking and about corrupt corporate power and its influence on government and, increasingly, its merger with government.

He expresses concern about the increasing gap between rich and poor and the diminution of the middle class. He worries about the likely emergence of a 21st century neo-feudal order.

He calls for the restoration of America’s moral authority via a more enlightened foreign policy. He talks about JFKs resistance to getting more involved in Vietnam. It seems that there were powerful interest groups that didn’t like this. Being on the side of the poor rather than an enabler of the oligarchs also was unpopular in those circles. Robert Kennedy junior favours a similar approach to his uncle.

He suggests that American military interventions have been counterproductive, costly (trillions of dollars) and highly damaging. He says the following resulted from these interventions and foreign policy decisions:

– Iraq now worse than it was under Saddam with internal conflict, poverty and instability.

– Iraq now closer to Iran making it more influential in the region

– The creation and growth of ISIS.

– The destabilisation of Europe by creating a refugee crisis.

– Riots in France.

– The UK leaving the European Union.

He points out that the Chinese have spent the same amount of money on infrastructure and strengthening China as a world power. The implication is that American warmongering has diminished the country and made it much weaker and less influential.  Countries like Brazil and Saudi Arabia are now closer to China.

He wouldn’t criticise the excesses of ‘the left’ but equally wouldn’t criticise Donald Trump. His focus is to find common ground which he regards as more important than the controversies of left and right.

He feels that, ‘Big Pharma’ is corrupt, desperately needs regulation, and should be held properly responsible and accountable for harmful consequences.


Robert F Kennedy junior comes across as a true statesman, alert to the real challenges that face the world – he would make the greatest of presidents.

A Good Overview of the Science Behind Climate Change

The above video provides a good, balanced, informative and thoughtful analysis of climate change. Near the beginning, the maker of the film says that they were reluctant to release it due how sensitive the subject of climate change has become. It’s a good film and well worth watching, but the science of climate change is not the reason for the controversy.

I would argue that it is not the subject of climate change itself that has become sensitive or controversial, it is the way authoritarians and power seekers cynically use it as a vehicle to push their own agendas. To many it seems to be being used as a tool to reduce personal freedom, and to bolster the power and wealth of global corporations.

The current power dynamics mean that much of the burden of tackling the issue of climate change is placed on the poor and powerless and the wealthy corporations do not really do their bit to make sacrifices for the greater good. They feel able to tell others to make sacrifices but they seem unwilling to make significant sacrifices themselves. While this is happening people will be less likely to believe the problems that our planet actually faces.

Perhaps the really big corporations, especially those who regard themselves as self selected leaders, could show that they are taking the climate emergency seriously by providing 50% of their annual global profits to an international fund dedicated to addressing the problem. That would be an insignificant price to pay to save life on Earth. In the meantime, if they also stopped bullying and cajoling the poor and taking away their freedoms, ordinary people would inevitably get fully behind the global effort.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) helpfully provides a list of such corporations that have self selected themselves to provide a global leadership role. They are obviously very keen to do what is necessary to solve the world’s problems. They can start by putting their hands in their pockets and provide the funding needed to tackle the global crisis. These companies are listed alphabetically on the WEF website.

The World’s Last Stone Age Tribe Protected by a Kind of ‘Prime Directive’

An island in the Bay of Bengal called North Sentinel Island that is a no go zone for moral as well as health and safety reasons.

I would love to visit this island and its people but I would be reluctant to do so. In fact, despite my interest, I would simply just not go. It is home to a stone age tribe who do not like visitors. They would probably kill you on the spot if you entered their territory.

That is not the only reason for respecting their territory. A more important reason to avoid visiting this island (than the likelihood of been shot on sight by bow and arrow) is that you could spread disease to the inhabitants that they have no defence to resist. Forget Covid, our basic ailments are a problem to these people. It would be like the Spanish conquistadors visiting the Aztec Empire or the English visiting the Pomunkey near their colony at Jamestown in Virginia. Disease would kill a significant number of the population and they could become extinct.

They look the same as we do and we naturally want to reach out to them as brothers, as fellow humans, but we can’t. It would be rewarding to show them the wonders of the wider world, of flight, of space travel, and of artificial intelligence, but we cannot do that. Anatomically, and intellectually they do not really differ from us in any meaningful way. We are the same people.

Living apart from the rest of humanity for at least 60,000 years, they are the nearest thing that we have of discovering an extra terrestrial civilisation. To make contact would be like touching the faces of our most ancient ancestors.

It puts us in the position of aliens visiting our planet. What do the inhabitants of the island think of the helicopters and planes that fly over their heads? What do they think of the modern ship that got stranded in their midst. These must almost be supernatural experiences to these people. It puts you in mind of the planet Nabiru in Star Trek: Into Darkness, where members of the Enterprise crew improperly interact with the planet’s society and break the Federation’s most sacred law – the Prime Directive.

Maybe, at some point in the future, when we can safely interact with them, we can shake hands and show them the wonders of our shared world.

Universal Basic Income (UBI) – Lessons From the Cherokee

The situation outlined in this video seems like a living example of the concept of universal basic income. Members of the tribe are entitled to share of the profits from the casino. This gives them huge life opportunies. It has turned an impoverished community into one that can move forward with increase confidence and sense of purpose.

This is an example of how North Sea oil could have been used for the benefit of the British people. Instead, at the time, we got cynical Thatcherite tax cuts that benefited only a few. Money is always found for the countless unnecessary wars and pointless Covid lockdown but never for genuine help the people as a whole.

When UBI does come, and it will come because, counterintuitively, it benefits the elites. It will allow a tiny minority to contune to recieve the lions share of the bounty that comes from mass automation while keeping the masses quiet and in their place. The crumbs that are given will come with strings attached such as signing up to the controlling tyranny of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), 15 Minute Cities, and a Social Credit system of behaviour management. The ‘free money’ will conditions, restrictions, stipulations and sanctions for anyone who may hold dissenting views.

UBI could undoubtedly be done without restricting basic freedoms, but I doubt Western powerbrokers would be as benevolent as those of the Cherokee. However, the short film about the Cherokee gives us an insight into the possible alternative economic models that might be available as catalysts for economic and social development in the future.